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Monday – Friday

Breakfast Club: 
7.30am / 8am – 9am  

Pre-School Session: 
8.45am – 11.45am

Lunch Club (for children staying all day): 
11.45am to 12.15pm

Pre-School Session: 
12.15pm – 3.15pm

After School Club: 
3.30pm – 6pm

Breakfast Club

Need an extra few minutes to avoid the rush hour traffic in the morning and get to work?  Book your child (aged 2 years to 9 years old) into our Breakfast club and have a smooth start to your day!  The price includes a healthy balanced breakfast of toast/cereal and/or fruit in line with guidelines from The Children’s Food Trust. A drink is also provided.
Please go to Forms to Download for this period’s booking form.

After School Club

Come along for some fun at our after school club. We can take children aged from 2 years to 9 years old. There are always lots of fun and engaging activities going on! The price includes a snack and a drink to tide your child over until you get them home, food provided follows guidelines from The Children’s Food Trust.
Please go to Forms to Download for this period’s booking form.

Lunch Club

A lunch club is available for children who attend Rainbow all day which is currently FREE OF CHARGE!! 

Children will need to bring with them a packed lunch in a suitable NAMED container. If you are providing perishable and/or diary goods it is recommended to include an ice pack to maintain freshness, as we do not have large enough refrigeration facilities for storing lunch boxes.  

If you wish for your child to have a hot lunch, please complete the Hot Lunch Booking Form, which you will find under FOR PARENTS – Forms to download.  Please hand the form and cash or cheque payment ONLY to a member of staff by Friday 9.00am the week before.

Please note we are a no nut setting and also do not allow popcorn due to the high risk of choking in young children.   Please do not send your child with items which may include nuts or popcorn, these will be removed to protect the children in our care.


Please note we have no parking facilities at either of our sites for the Pre-School sessions. If you are using the extended services between 7.30-8 am or 4.30-6 pm you are permitted to park in the car park to collect or drop off your child/children. We actively promote walking your child to school and we take part in the annual walk to school week. The benefits that have been found to walking your child to school are to make them feel happier and healthier and it also helps to reduce pollution outside of the school gates. 

We have been advised that some of our parents/carers are parking in Barnet Close when dropping off or collecting their children from Rainbow (West.) This has caused the area to be congested and too dangerous for young children. Please if driving can you use the public car parks located in the town.